Frequently asked Questions
Frequently asked Questions
1. What has to be considered when making a payment?
Transfer the unsettled dunning amount using the bank transfer form enclosed in your dunning letter. If you do not have your bank transfer form to hand, specify the reference number in the reason for payment field so that your payment can be correctly allocated quicker.
2. What is a reference number?
The reference number is the designation for your file, in which we save all of the information, correspondence and payments relating to your receivables. Please have your reference number to hand when you call us. Please also specify it in correspondence or e-mails so that we can access the right information quickly.
3. Where do I find the reference number?
The reference number is specified on every dunning letter from Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH in the right margin below the company details. Sometimes it is highlighted in colour. The reference number is a 9-digit number. Our reference number does not contain any letters..
4. How can I transfer funds to Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH?
Please ensure that you specify your reference number from the dunning letter when making any payments or on any correspondence. We have enclosed a corresponding bank transfer form for your payment with your dunning letter.
5. What do I have to do if my postal address changes?
Please communicate your new address to us along with your reference number either by post, by e-mail or by phone as quickly as possible. Please feel free to use our contact form as well.
Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH
Eduard-Pestel-Str. 7
49080 Osnabrück
Tel. +49 (0) 541 80018-32
Fax +49 (0) 541 80018-55
E-Mail mahnabteilung@adu-inkasso.de
You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 17:00.
6. I have questions about my unsettled debts.
Please feel free to contact us about questions relating to your unsettled debts. Give us a call or use our contact form. Please remember to specify your reference number so that we can allocate your query correctly
Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH
Eduard-Pestel-Str. 7
49080 Osnabrück
E-Mail mahnabteilung@adu-inkasso.de
Tel. +49 (0) 541 80018-32
Fax +49 (0) 541 80018-55
You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 17:00.
7. I cannot pay the debt off with a single payment.
If you have received a dunning letter from us and cannot pay off the unsettled debts with a single payment, there is option of reaching an instalment agreement to repay the debt. In order to verify the options for repayment by instalment, we will need further information about your personal economic circumstances. Give us a call so that we can help you further or use our instalment repayment form.
8. Am I obliged to pay the entire amount including the debt collection expenses?
Yes, according to Section 286 of the German Commercial Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB), debtors have to pay creditors the damages resulting from late payment. This also applies to the costs for using a debt collection company, such as Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH, which the creditor has commissioned to collect the unsettled debt. Once Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH has been commissioned, a payment to the creditor does not release you from the obligation to pay the debt collection expenses.
Current judgments
LG (Landgericht) Oldenburg, VU vom 6. Juli 2012 – 17 O 808/12 und Urteil vom 06. Juli 2012 – 17 O 3635/11)
LG (Landgericht) Bad Kreuznach, Urteil vom 14. September 2012 – 4 O 2/12)
LG (Landgericht) Stade, VU vom 22. Juni 2012 – 5 O 165/12)
LG (Landgericht) Itzehoe, Urteil vom 10.02.2012 – 6 O 385/11
LG (Landgericht) Stendal, Urteil vom 16.05.2012 – 21 – 233/11
OLG (Oberlandesgericht) Bremen, Urteil vom 09.03.2012 – 2 U – 98/11
BGH (Bundesgerichtshof) VU 15.11.2011 – VI ZR 4/11
OLG (Oberlandesgericht) Stuttgart, Urteil vom 08.12.2009 – 6 U 99