Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH
Eduard-Pestel-Str. 7
D-49080 Osnabrück
Tel. +49 (0) 541 80018-50
Fax +49 (0) 541 80018-58
VAT ID Nummer acc. to Section 27a
Value Added Tax Act: DE222269191, District Court of Osnabrück commercial register number: 20968
Managing director: Burkhard Quermann
Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH is a debt collection service provider registered by the President of the Court of Osnabrück in accordance with Section 10 Para. 1 Clause 1 of Germany`s Legal Services Act (RDG).
Referenz number: 9 A 5
Registration authority: Registering Court – Osnabrück
Registered person: Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH (other person)
Qualified persons: Burkhard Quermann, Petra Quermann