no tricks!
This type of accounts receivable management makes it possible not to immediately confront defaulting payers with pre-judicial collection measures.
Are you already convinced that Allgemeiner Debitoren- und Inkassodienst GmbH is the right partner for you? Do you now just want to know how much you will have to invest so that we can actively support your claims? Great! Because debtor management and debt collection are so multifaceted, in order to prepare a responsible estimate we now just now need some information about …
Are you still sceptical? Okay, we understand. After all, no-one likes to buy a pig in a poke. So here’s our offer:
Put us to the test! We will prove to you that our RIF principle works.
For our trial offer, just send us 50 outstanding accounts that are uncontested and do not have an instrument of indebtedness.
We guarantee:
Essential for us: cooperation!